Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ethics in
the Use of
- Freedom of Speech
- "Everyone has the Right to freedom of
opinion and expression [...]"
- Everyone (no matter status, gender, social condition,
economic situation, etc. has the right to express
themselves inside the terms of the law.
- Balance between:
- Access to information
- Freedom of Speech
- Respect to
Intellectual Property
- Plagiarism
- Meaning fraud. "The practice of someone else´s
work or ideas and passing thrm as your own".
- Basically, taking someone elseés work (complete or parcially)
and using it without previous consent. Action penalized by the
- Legislation against plagiarism
- Protected Work
- Literature
- Music
- Drama
- Dance
- Paintings/Drawings
- Sculpture and plastic arts
- Cartoons and comics
- Architecture
- Cinema and audiovisuals
- Unprotected Work
- Ideas contained in works
- Schemes, plans,
rules, etc.
- Letters, digits, or
isolated colors
- Isolated names and titles
- Contratacs and licenses
of collaborative work
- Personal information: name,
birthdate, email, adress.
- Files or documents
(Copyrighted information)
- Service use of informtion
- Acceptance of terms
and conditions while
entering to a platform
performed bya fully
mentally developed