Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychological debates
- Freewill-determinism
- Determinist = behaviour is caused
by factors out of our controll
- Freewill = behaviour is a
product of our own choice
- Socially sensitive research
- A topic that is likely to cause upset
so some researchers avoid them
- Psychologist need to anticipate
if their research could have
negative effects
- Usefulness of research
- Whether the findings from
psychological research can be put to use
- does it have a
practical application
- Ethical issues
- consent
- withdrawal
- Confidentiality
- protection
from harm
- debriefing
- deception
- competence
- Psychology as a science
- Replicability - repeated
on different people with
same results
- objectivity - based
on scientific facts
- Falsifiability - scientifically
tested and proven wrong
- Nature-nurture
- Nurture suggests we are a
product of our upbringing
- Nature suggests we are a product
of our genetic inheritance
- best researched on monozygotic twins
- Individual-situational
- situation = behaviour is best explained
by reference to the situation
- Individual = behaviour is best explained
from a persons personality
- Reductionism-holism
- Reductionism = research should be
conducted by isolating variables
- Good for detail
- Holism = develop
multi-factor models that
look at lots of behaviours
- doesn't miss out any factors