Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Research Methods
- Sample
- Target population - group
interested in studying
- Sample - the
- if the sample represents
the target population
then it is generalisable
- Data
- Types of
- Quantitative
- numbers
- Qualitative -
- Levels of data
- Nominal - Tally/total number
of times something happens
- Ordinal - Rank order,
from smallest to largest
- Interval - Precise
measurement (universal)
- Primary - collected
by researcher
- Secondary - gathered
by someone else
- Reliability
- How consistent a
measuring device is
- Internal - can you
replicate the
- Split-half method - compare
results of one half with the
other. if positive correlation its
is assumed to be consistent
- Inter-rater reliability - if different
observers get the same results
- External - have the participants
got a consistent result?
- Test-retest method - compare results
taken on two different occasions
- Validity
- How accurate a
study is
- Internal - Does it measure
what its meant to measure?
- Face validity - does it measure
what its supposed too
- Construct validity - is the
measuring device
appropriate to the concept
- Concurrent validity - comparing
it with a well established test
- Criterion validity - how well it
predicts future performances
- External - can the results be
generalised to more people?
- Population validity - can the
results be generalised to the
wider population
- Ecological validity -
resembles what will
happen in everyday life
- Ethics
- Respect
- Consent
- Withdrawal
- Confidentiality
- Competence
- Responsibility
- Debriefing
- Protection from
- Integrity
- Deception
- Sampling methods
- Self-selecting = people
volunteer to take part
- not biased and
got consent
- too many or not
enough people
- Opportunity = readily
available at a certain time
- quick and
- biased sample as
from one place
- Random = selecting names from a hat
- Generalisable
and unbiased
- Impractical for a large target population
- Snowball = participants contact
friends and family to take part
- cheap - no
- biased as they all know
each other so will be similar