Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Climate change
- Climate
- Fluctuated drastically
- Species have
- Faltered
- Benefied
- Adapted
- Died
- Ice ages
- Epochs of steamy heat
- 1995
- The Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Concluded that
- "There is a human influence on Global Climate"
- Effects
- Global warning
- Green house gases
- Trapped heat in the atmosphere
- Temperature has
risen a half degree
Celsius (1 degree
- Greenhouse effect
- Without the atmosphere
- Heat would strike the earth
- The atmosphere traps the majority of the heat
- Gases absorb the infrared radiation
- They heat up and some heat
radiates back to the surface
- More water evaporates
- There is more vapor in the atmosphere
- The atmosphere becomes warmer
- And be reflected back into the
space as infrared waves
- Change in climate patterns
- Changes in farming
- What causes climate change?
- Solar Input
- Solar energy hits the upper atmosphere
- One third of it is reflected back into the space
- The rest of the energy:
- Warms Earth
- Fuels its weather engine
- The Atmosphere
- A balance of gases gives the Earthe an average temperature
- Greenhouse gases :
- Absorb heat energy
- Re-radiate back a portion of it
- The Oceans
- Cover the 70% of the Earth's surface
- They are the biggest source of water vapor
- When warm water collects in one place
- evaporation an cloud build-up increase
- Marine organisms consume CO2
- The Water Cycle
- Higher air temperature
- Melting of ice
- Increased water evaporation
- Leads to cloud formation
- Causes a cooling effect
- Water vapor is the most potent greenhouse gas
- Ice and Snow
- Reflect sulight
back into space
- Ice melting
takes heat from
the ocean
- That cools the
- Land Surface
- Topography
- Land use
- Major effects on climate
- Mountains
block clouds
and create
dry places
- Slpoing
land has
more water
- Human Influences
- Magnify
- Aerosols
sunlight and
have cooling
- Farming and
landfills rise
methane level
- Fuel
rises CO2
- Clouds
- They cool Earth
- Reflecting solar energy
- They warm Earth
- Trapping the heat that
radiates up from the