Feature Article Structure


Mindmap am Feature Article Structure, erstellt von mikey8057 am 13/11/2013.
Mindmap von mikey8057, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mikey8057 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Feature Article Structure
  1. Headline
    1. Must grab the readers attention
      1. Highlight the main idea of the article
        1. mention key quotations from the article
        2. Introduction
          1. outline the subject or theme of the article
            1. interest the reader by using an unusual statement
              1. establish the writers tone
                1. provide background information
                  1. create a relationship between the writer and the reader
                  2. Main body
                    1. A number of paragraphs
                      1. expands the main topic of the article into subtopics
                        1. Could include
                          1. subheadings
                            1. quotes and interviews
                              1. personal viewpoints
                                1. anecdotes and stories
                                  1. specific names, places and dates
                                    1. photos, tables, diagrams and graphs
                                    2. facts & statistics which support writers opinion
                                    3. Concluding Paragraph
                                      1. leave a lasting impression
                                        1. reminds the reader of the articles main idea
                                          1. encourages a change of attitude or opinion
                                            1. suggests an appropriate course of action
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