Zusammenfassung der Ressource
“In gaining knowledge, each area of knowledge
uses a network of ways of knowing.” Discuss this
statement with reference to two areas of
- Thesis
- Ways of knowing are what
provide us with the necessary
information and understanding in
order to develop knowledge
within an area of knowledge.
Ways of knowing interact with
each other to a very high extent;
therefore each area of knowledge
uses a network of ways of
knowing in gaining knowledge.
- One way of Knowing is not enough to get
the necessary information and
understanding to gain knowledge.
- By using different ways of knowing, a deeper
understading within an area is gained. this is because
they provided different perspectives and methods to
understand and gain knowlegde
- Ways of knowing need eachother. They become stroger, more
reliable and effective when linked with one another. This means
that, for example, intuition alone is not as effective in gaining
knowledgeas intuiton and reason together
- Central knowledge question
- To what extent do ways of knowing
interact with eachother in order to build up
- To what extent is a way of knowing more
important than the others to gain knowledge within an area?
- To what extent is the knowledge obtained
through different ways more relevant than
that obtained by one way of knowing?
- Reasons i'm interested in the title
- The title makes me analyze and reflect the ways in
which we gain knowledge within specific areas of
knowledge. This is interesting as many questios arise:
do WoK’s really interact with eachother? Is there any
AoK that uses only one WoK to gain knowledge?...
- The title allows me to show my
understanding of TOK and explore
knowledge through various perspectives
and lenses. As it asks me to focus in 2
specific areas of knowledge, it allows me to
be specific and evaluate each one of them
- This title is interesting as it is asking us to link together
important aspects of TOK (ways of knowing) in order to
show their importance within an area of knowledge. I
think it is very interesting to think about ways of knowing;
their relationship with each other and with the different
areas. This is because when we understand this we can
understand how is it that we gain knowledge.
- Areas of knowledge
- The arts
- The arts are an
area of
knowledge based
on creative skill.
This suggests
that it is a more
subjective area of
knowledge; that
knowledge for
the arts is not
very specific and
cannot be
classified as right
or wrong. This
means that the
arts use emotion
and imagination
as directly
influential ways
of knowing.
However, reason
is also essential
for an artwork to
be effective, due
to the fact that an
artist needs to
support his
creative process.
language is used
in the arts to
ideas and
concepts. Having
this said, the arts
are an area of
knowledge that
uses a network of
different ways of
knowing in order
to gain
- Ways of knwing
- Reason • Intuition
• Emotion • Language
• Memory
- Mathematics
- Mathematics is a very rational area of knowledge. It is
based on absolute objectivity and only works if every
element and component is logic with each other. However,
mathematic are used in many other fields such as design,
medicine and social sciences. This means that reason is not
enough in order to get sufficient knowledge within this
area. Intuition, memory and language are also extremely
effective in allowing us to gain knowledge. Mathematics is
also believes to be the language of the universe, hence
language as a WoK is directly related to this.
- Mathematics is a very rational area of knowledge. It is
based on absolute objectivity and only works if every
element and component is logic with each other.
However, mathematic are used in many other fields
such as design, medicine and social sciences. This
means that reason is not enough in order to get
sufficient knowledge within this area. Intuition,
memory and language are also extremely effective in
allowing us to gain knowledge. Mathematics is also
believes to be the language of the universe, hence
language as a WoK is directly related to this
- for arts & math
- Possible counter arguments
- It is possible to say that emotion and
imagination are enough ways to gain
knowledge in the arts. This depends no
only on the artwork created, but on the
type of art (i.e. Music, visual arts,
drama). It is possible that one art needs
more WoK’s than the other, depending
on their different aims. It is not
necessary to have historical knowledge
or knowledge of the artistic techniques
in a piece (using reason) to understand
and connect with it. This suggests that a
network of ways of knowing is not
completely necessary in order to gain
knowledge within the arts.
- Arguing that a network of ways of knowing is
needed in mathematics can be wrong.
Sometimes, reason is enough to get the
necessary information and understanding to
gain knowledge. If a lot of logic and reasoning
is applied, an individual can connect with and
understand mathematics. It is also important
to question if humans created mathematics or
if they existed and were discovered. This is
because if they existed, it was by reasoning
that humans discovered them and developed
them. In mathematics, things are right or
wrong; black or white; there are no gray
spaces. This suggests that some WoKs don’t
apply here, such as emotion.
- Ways of knowing interact with each other
only to a certain extent. -They don't all
interact with each other. -sometimes it is
possible to gain knowledge only with one
WoK. -Sometimes it it not necessary to
gain a deep knowledge, hence one WoK is