The Superior Agriculture Societies


The superior agriculture societies
Mindmap von luanaquishpe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von luanaquishpe vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Superior Agriculture Societies


    • MVNJJB
    1. La Tolita Culture develop in the coastal region of Ecuador
      1. Work with precious stones such as: emerald, quartz, agate and turquoise gold silver
        1. Fist ones to work with platinum
          1. jewelry of gold and tumbaga in form of beautiful masks and anthropomorphic figurines
            1. reflecting : ceremonial complex and hierarchical society.
              1. reflectied in their cultures, religion, cloths, ceremonies
            2. Tolita agriculture : were maize and cassava; they hunted and marine resources.
          2. BAHIA
            1. Bahia Culture develop near the province of Manabi
              1. highly stratified society dominated by shamans and merchants.
                1. economic system revolved around agriculture , fishing and long-distance trading sea and land.
                  1. Ceramics was associated with the designs, styles and forms of Chorrera. aments or simple, was characterized by detailed ornaments or simple, stylized figures of men and animals
                2. JAMA - COAQUE
                  1. Zones habit between the Cape of San Francisco , in Esmeraldas
                    1. livelihoods depended on the cultivation of a varied such as corn, beans , cassava , cotton and squash. They supplemented this activity with fishing and hunting animals like armadillo , jaguar, the tortoise and the opossum .
                      1. ceramics in human forms , zoomorphic , mixtures of human and animal
                        1. Clothes: robes that cover arms and legs , necklaces , bracelets, earrings , and a very elaborate feather art .
                        2. Jama - Coaque is a very baroque indigenous culture
                      2. GUANGALA
                        1. The Guangala are the first to work with metals , especially copper .
                          1. lLocated in Manabí y Guayas provinces
                            1. They were corn farmers and various pumpkins and squash , supplemented their diet with fishing for crustaceans such as shrimp and crab deep water .
                              1. carved wood for building canoes both to the development of various necklaces, amulets and tools.
                          2. NAPO
                            1. Each family group has a " shaman " called " blanco" that is respected in the community and considered the mediator between the spiritual and the human.
                              1. It is characterized by solidarity and equality
                                1. The Indians are hunters, fishermen and farmers and devote much of their time to the craft and collective work ( minga ) to build rooms and canoes.
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