Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology A2 functionalism
- Functionalism is a macro, structural theory. It focuses on the
needs of the social systems as a whole and how these needs
shape all the main features of society - from the form that
social institutions such as the family take, right down to the
behaviour patterns of individuals and the roles they perform.
- Functionalism is a consensus theory. It sees society as based on basic consensus or
agreement among its members about values, goals and rules. Functionalism is very much a
modernist theory of society and shares the goals of the Enlightment project. Functionalists
believe that we can obtain true knowledge of the functioning of society and that this
knowledge can be used to improve society.
- In describing society, Functionalists often use an organic
analogy. In other words they say that society is like a
biological organism. Parsons (1970) identifies three
similiarites between society and a biological organism:
- Systems organisms, such as the human body, and
societies are both self - regulating systems of inter -
related, interdependant parts that fit together in
fixed ways. In society these parts are institutions (the
education system, or the family) , individual roles
(such as teachers, mother) and so on.
- System needs, organisms have needs such as
nutrition. If these needs are not met, the organism
will die. Functionalists see the social system as
having certain basic needs that must be met if it is
to survive. For example, its members must be
socialised if society is to continued.
- Functions, for functionalists the function of any
part of a system is the contribution it makes to
meeting the system's needs and thus ensuring its
survival. The economy maintains the social system
by meeting the need for food and shelter.
- Value consensus and social order: Parsons argues that social order is achieved through the existence of a shared culture
or, in his words, a central value system. A culture is a set of norms, values and beliefs and goals shared by members of a
society. It provides a framework that allows individuals to cooperate by laying down rules about how they should behave
and what others may expect of them, defining the goals they pursue, and so on. Social order is only possible as long as
members agree on these norms and values, Parsons calls this arrangement value consensus, which is the glue that holds
society together.
- Integration of individuals: The basic function of the value consensus is
therefore to make social order possible. It does this by integrating
individuals into the social system, thereby directing them towards
meeting the system's needs. To achieve goals, there also needs to be
specific rules of conduct and norms. E.g punctuality to obtain jobs.
- For Parsons, the system has
two mechanisms for
ensuring that individuals
conform to the shared norms
to meet the system's needs:
- Socialisation: The social system can ensure that its
needs are met by teaching individuals to want to do what
it requires them to do. Through the socialisation process,
individuals internalise the system's norms and values so
that society becomes part of their personality structure.
Different agencies of socialisation such as family,
education system, media and religion, all contribute to
this process.
- Social control: Positive sanctions reward conformity, whilst
negative ones punish deviance. E.g, if the value systems
stresses indivuduals achievement through educational
success, those who conform may be rewarded with college
diplomas, while those who deviate by dropping out may be
stigmatised as layabouts.
- Integration into the shared normative
orders makes orderly social life possible.
From these basic ideas, Parsons builds up a
more detailed model of the social system.
- Social change - For Parsons, change is gradual, evolutionary process of increasing
complexity and structural differentiation. The organic analogy - societies move from
the simple to complex structures. E.g . in traditional society, a single institution - the
kinship system, performs many functions. It organises production as. nd
consumption, often provides political leadership, socialises its members and performs
religious functions. However, as societies develop, the kinship system loses its
functions - to factories, political parties, schools, churches. Parsons calls this process
structural differentiation - a gradual process in which separate, functionally
specialised institutions develop, each meeting a different need.
- The system's needs: For Parsons society is a
system with its own needs. The shared value
system coordinates the different parts of sociology
to ensure that the system's needs are met.
Parsons identifies four basic needs. Each need is
met by a seperate sub - system of institutions:
- Adaptation - The social system
meets its members' material needs.
These needs are met by the economic
sub - system.
- Goal attainment - society needs to set
goals and allocate resources to achieve
them. This is the function of the political
sub - system, through institutions such
as parliment.
- Integration - The different parts of the
systems must be integrated together in
order to pursue shared goals. This is
performed by the sub - system of religion,
education and media.
- Latency - refers to the
processes that maintain
society over time. The
kinship sub - system
provides pattern
maintenance (socialising
individuals to go on
performing the roles society
requires) and tension
management (a place to "let
off steam" and the stresses
of work.)
- Parsons describes adaptation and goal attainment as instrumental needs. He
describes integration and latency as expressive needs, since the involve the
expression or channelling of emotions by carrying out their respective functions,
the four sub systems ensure that society's needs are met and social stability is
- The parts of the social system: Building block approach - at the bottom we have
individual actions. Each action we perform is governed by specific norms or rules.
These norms come in "clusters" called status roles. Statuses are the positions that
exist in given social systems; e.g. "teacher". Roles are sets of norms that tell us ow the
occupant of the status must carry out their duties. E.g teachers must not show
favouritisms, must be knowedgeable and so on. Status roles come in clusters called
institutions. Sub systems such as family school and jobs make up a social system as
a whole.
- Types of society - Parsons identifies two types of societies, traditional
and modern. Parsons identifies five basic sets or norms for each type of
society. Within each type the variables "fit" together.