Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- All this early civilizations were divided in ranks, were trading experts, used the
spondylus, exchanged with many other cultures, etc.
- La Tolita
- This culture is one of the most important in Ecuador.
- The inhabitants settled in what todays corepresents the Esmeraldas province
- They lived from 500 B.C until 500 A.C
- This culture is well known for the development of the arts.
- Their culture was based in the agriculture and other activities
such as hunting or extracting resources from the sea
- It was a society divided according to the rank of its population: framers,
goldsmiths, artisans, chieftains, caciques, etc.
- Bahía
- They were located in what today is the Manabí province.
- They lived between 500 BCE–500 CE
- Merchants traded using the Spondylus with cultures in Chile or Mexico
in exchange of different goods such as gold or cooper.
- Its considered one of the first andean ceracmic pioneer-cultures.
- Jama-Coaque
- They inhabited the forested land of the northern part of the Manabí province.
- This civilization is known to use balsa canoes to travel across the PAcific
- Their people were skilled in creating various textiles, artifacts, etc: that were
found also in other parts of America.
- The entire culture was lost in hands of a spanish mission to
conquer the Inca empire.
- Guangala
- Located in the time between 500 BC C. and 500 BC C.
- Were one of the first ones to work with copper and other metals.
- They settled down in the Manabí and Guayas provinces.
- Their ceramic had a well polished finish, ending in many
anthropormophic and zoomorphic pottery.