Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Israel and the
- Culture
- The concept of nationalism
- Religious beliefs
and territorial
- Life in the middle
of a conflict
- Global Goal: Increase learners’
understanding about religious
and territorial conflicts between
Israel and the Palestinians
- Unit Title: What's going
on in the Gaza strip?
- Cognition
- Assessing peer’s stories
in terms of historical
accuracy and creativity
- Creating a digital story within
the setting of the Gaza strip
which includes historical
- Discussing the facts behind
the Gaza strip conflict
- Explaining concepts about
religion, nationalism and
state recognition
- Communication
- Language
through learning
- Words and
expressions for
judging other’s works
- Expressions for stating
agreement, disagreement
like and dislike
- New vocabulary related
to the Middle East and
the Gaza strip
- Words related to
technological tools
used for story telling
- Language of
- Vocabulary for expressing
opinions and turn taking
- Formulaic expressions
to politely agree or
- Expressions used for
defining concepts and
asking for clarification
- Language of
- Sequence words to narrate
- Past tense to talk
about historical events
- Specific vocabulary
about the Middle East
- Content
- Causes of the
conflict in the
Gaza strip
- The U.N. partition plan
- British government
- Zionism
- Historical facts
behind Israel and
the Palestinians
- The Ottoman Empire
- What is an Intifada?
- Jerusalem as sacred
territory for three
main religions
- Christianism
- Islam
- Judaism