Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- La Tolita culture was a pre-columbian culture that
was located in the Ecuadorian and Colombian coastal
region. We can highlight the jewerly and the ceramics
of some pieces that have been found. All these things
show us a socially organized and hierarchical culture.
- Their religion was the polytheism and animism.
Their religious practices were guide by the govenat.
They worshiped deities that were borned in our
planet such us; jaguar. snake. eagle and caiman.
- They were a stratified society which depended
on the work and activities of the goverment.
The materials, food and essential goods were
provided by people of low status as farmers,
fishermen, tailors, etc.
- They existed between 500 B.C and 500 A.C.
aproximately. They were locted in the
Ecuadorian coastal region, in te now manabi
province, it reached Bahía de Caráquez and
la isla de la Plata from the north.
- They were caracterized by the
production of ceramic figures that
represented various attitudes of
me and women.
- They were merchants that traded
fished goods and spondylous shell to
chile and noth as far as mexico in
exchange for precious materials.
- Its name derives from the Jama-Coaque
peoplewho inhabitate the forested
landscapes that surrounded the
coastline of the Manabi province`s
coastal region.
- The Jama-Coaque were skilled in creating
various textiles, made use of a number of
tools in their daily lives and were famous
for their creative ornamentation.
- The Jama-Coaque communities
were also skilled in creating
ceramic pottery items, which
again showed us that they
were sophisticated tribes.
- They existed in the time between 500
A.C and 500 B.C.
- The Guangala were the fist to work with
methals, especially copper. They reated
bowls, of fine paste, colored. The surface
of the cerami takes antropomorphic and
zoomorphic shapes.
- These figures have had a
ceremonial use and some times
they represented huiman faces.
- They are located in the west of the
province.between Napo and Coca, there
are groups in the tropical forest too.
- Each tribe have a shaman that is called
banco that is respected by the community
and concidered the person who goes
between the spiritual and the human.
- The activities the men do as a
group to survive are: hunting,
fishing, gathering. the women
have to take care of the children
and the house.