Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Civil War Felix Mitchell
- Abraham
- President
- Wrote and delivered gettysburg address
- General Lee
- Confederate
- Jeb Stuart
- Wasn't performing his duties during the first day of "Battle of Gettysburg"
- General james long-street
- General Ewell
- Union Generals
- George G.Meade
- Sherman
- Battle of gettysburg:First day
- General Lee cut across Northern Maryland into Southern Pennsylvania
- Lee's forces gathered in Gettysburg
- Union soldiers run into Confederates at Gettysburg
- South pushes North back.
- July 1863
- Pennsylvania,gettysburg
- Battle of Gettysburg: Second Day
- Gettysburg,Pennsylvania
- July 2nd 1863
- Lee orders an attack on the left side of the union line.
- The confederates attacked cemetery hill and Culp's Hill. It was unsuccessful
- The confederates did manage to take a few trenches on Culp's Hill.
- Battle of Gettysburg: Pickett's charge
- July 3rd
- 1 mile at cemetery ridge. Long street tells Lee not too attack, Lee attacks anyways.
- The confederates shoots cannons at cemetery ridge. Pickett charges cemetery ridge.
Pickett's men get blown away by cannons. Meade does not pursue.
- So Lee's troops will never again attack North.Britain wouldn't help the confederacy.
- Pickett's charge proved a disaster for the Confederate attackers.
Fewer then half of them survived.
- Gettysburg was a turning point in the war. Lee's troops would never again launch an attack in the North
- Aftermath of Gettysburg
- The Gettysburg Address
- November 19th 1863
- Ideals of Liberty,equality and Democracy