Info 1: Topic 2 - Analysis


AS level ICT. Unit 1 - topic 2
Will Wright
Mindmap von Will Wright, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Will Wright
Erstellt von Will Wright vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Info 1: Topic 2 - Analysis
  1. Key concepts
    1. Problem Identification
      1. Is the problem worth solving?
        1. Time, cost, etc.
        2. Is the problem the system itself or how it is being used?
          1. Identify the client and the user - with their respective skill levels
            1. Is a new system needed or can the problem be fixed with maintenance of the current system?
            2. Client Requirements
              1. What does the client want the system to do
                1. Resulting solution must match what the client has asked for, regardless of what the developer thinks.
                2. Can be conducted by formal interview, over email or over a noted telephone call
                3. Input, Process & Output
                  1. Client, User & Audience
                    1. Client: The person who has an ICT problem and approaches a developer to create a solution
                      1. User: People who use an ICT system on a day-to-day basis. They modify and enter data and will use the output in some way.
                        1. Audience: People who view the system but don't change the data in any way
                      2. SDLC
                        1. "Systems Development Life Cycle"
                          1. Systems Investigation -> Analysis -> Design -> Create Solution -> Testing -> Changeover/Installation/Implementation -> Maintenance -> Review/Evaluation
                          2. Analysis
                            1. Methods
                              1. Observation
                                1. Applicable for reviewing users. Allows the developer to see common mistakes made by the workforce
                                2. Interview
                                  1. Most appropriate for the client. Allows the developer to compile client requirements and usually only occurs once to save the client time in the long run
                                  2. Questionnaire
                                    1. Most appropriate for users. Allows them to answer questions in their own time and at a time that is convenient to them. Leading to better quality of answer
                                    2. Documentation
                                      1. Allows developer to see direct output from the system to see it's current process and any possible bugs that can be addressed
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