Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Gov 30 Midterm
- The Constitution
- Before Const. was
Articles of
Confederation. AoC
had a very weak
central government.
No way to levy taxes
or declare war.
Shay's Rebellion
(1786) proved that.
- Compromises: -CT:
two house congress.
-General Power:
Congress has limited,
specific powers.
- Necessary and Proper Clause: Congress can
make laws NP for carrying into execution
delegated powers (declare war, raise army,
lay taxes, ratify treaties, borrow $, regulate
commerce among states, coin $, establish
post office, and issue patents.
- The Continental Congress
feared a monarchy, so they
set up a system of checks
and balances among the
different branches. In
addition, lots of
compromises and issues
are present in the
document because of
political games; to get it
ratified the CC had to
make sacrifices.
- Problems: power of SC
poorly defined, electoral
college, slavery/women's
rights, no Bill of Rights
- American
Political Culture
- US is more
diverse today,
but it was
always "from
many, 1 union"
- 1880s: 2nd wave of
immigration (southern
+ eastern Europe),
1882: Chinese
Exclusion Act, 1917:
National literacy test to
become citizen. today:
more illegal
immigration, more
border crossing since
- less benefits to Imm.
now, less unskilled
labor. in the past there
was lots of jobs
available. , costs for
gov't higher
- we favor family preferences
over skills, but trending
towards Canada's
prioritizaiton of valuable
- americans believe in ability
to get ahead, distrust big
gov't, emphasizes
individuals (no support for
gov't reducing income
inequality), these views are
shared across
- we have a liberal cultures because we
have always been wealthy, and no
feudalism, also immigration enforces
these values.
- liberalism: maximizing
rights by minimizing
Liberalism: modern left (big
fiscal gov't, small social
- liberalism: liberty
through freedom,
republicanism: liberty
through collectivism
- Judicial Review
- the power of
the courts to
declare laws
- Marbury v. Madison: (1803)
Marbury is appointed by not
sworn in, sues, Marshall
names law unconstituional.
Establishes Judicial review
through the supremacy
clause. New laws supersede
old laws are superseded by
the constitution.
- -deference to
-original intent,
-plain meaning
of the text
- doubts: Dred Scott (1857), this
decision led to the civil war
because the SC agreed with the
slaveholder. (named MO
compromise unconstitutional)
- SC is supposed to be
impartial, but in
practice appointments
are often highly
- Federalism
- divides
between two
levels, and
each can act
most have a
unitary gov't
- Thomas Hobbes
said "if you divide
sovreignty into
parts, those parts
will go to war
- in const: Necessary and Proper
clause and tenth amendment
(powers not delegated to Fed.
and not prohibited to the states
belongs to the states)
- dual
each level of
gov't is
sovreign in its
own space,
each has
rights, and
the courts
- McCulloch v. MD (1819):
expansive definition of NP
clause (convenience) and
also establishes that
federal government
supersedes state
- 1990s radioactive case upheld dual
sovreignty. fed cant order states to do
something directly (they can give
categorical grants though, South Dakota v.
Dole) this case was a limit on NP clause
- Prince v. US: fed law requiring background
checks for firearms. declared unconst. because
outside of federal jurisdiction
- commerce clause: regulate commerce
among states. originally limited fed powers
through US. v. Knight, then expanded in
FDR's era with the New deal, -allowed for
civil rights act to be passed - then recently
(1990's) become more strict again (US. v.
- Shecter v. Poultry (1935):
before FDR, establishes clear
boundaries on federal
government power through the
commerce clause. one of last
times before switch in time
saved nine
- spending clause: congress can
spend for general welfare. in
Helvering v. Davis (social
security) it was decided that
the discretion is up to congress,
unless that choice is obviously
- categorical grants
give money to states
with a plan in action.
pork barrel is when
you do something in
exchange for money
- Sebelius: spending clause and
commerce clause. originally bill
states a fee. court says its a tax,
which is allowed (through
spending clause). but what was
not allowed was being "too
coercive' with fed. money to
states (if states don't raise $ for
medical fed. gov't will remove
funding). you can't use the
commerce clause to regulate
inactivity. can't use commerce
clause to charge a fee to indiv.
for not buying insurance)
- New Deal: marked shift towards bigger fed. gov't. court
packing: FDR wanted to pack the courts to get what he
wanted but there was public outrage. then two judges
switched their viewpoints and they got what he wanted
- shifted with NLRB v. Jones: unionizing is a federal issue
- The Modern
- SC Primary
objectives: Unify
US legal system,
keep law stable
over time. (stare
- stare decisis: stable
decision, courts rule
one way and keep that
ruling throughout time
to maintain the SC as
an institution, maintain
- judicial activism (overturn
stare decisis to keep
constitution relevant) vs.
Judicial restraint (rule narrowly
and avoid an overturning)
- US has a common law not civil
law. meaning our system of
meaning is based on cases not
statutes, and courts look to past
cases and stare decisis to make a
current ruling
- Bush v. Gore 2000:
establishes legitamacy of the
courts because they ordered
to stop counting and they
did. also illustrates diff b/wn
state and fed courts: gore
went to state because they
were more liberal and he
thought they would go in his
- Public Opinion
- public is inconsistent (wants
less $ overall, wants less $ spent
specifically. public is uninformed
(will make up a viewpoint even if
they don't have some. public is
non-ideological, and moderate.
- latent public opinion:
how the public will react
to an event in the future.
- to accurately poll, each
member of the population
must have an equal chance
of being part of a survey.
this is random selection and
avoids selection bias. never
trust call-in surveys because
only people with certain
viewpoints will respond to it
- Federalist Papers
- #10: there are lots of factions, so many that
no one can dominate. (factions are good if
you have a bunch)-- argument for big
- #47: afraid of
big gov't. so lets
make factions
within the gov't
so that it can't
oppress us.
- #48: why checks and balances are
good. checking the legislature is
important. protect government
from rash or quick action
- #51: competitive not
only within
government but b/wn
fed. and state gov'ts.
extra C&B for
- #39: reassure people
that this will work.
powers of fed. gov't are
"few and defined".
(maybe not true
- #78: judiciary is weakest branch
because it controls "neither the
sword or the purse". power of
judicial review, fed. courts have a
duty to interpret the const.
- #70: an energetic executive
is key for the rapid and swift
movement of the republic
and ultimately ensures a
safer republic. in addition,
one executive rather than
many is good because one
can act more swiftly than