Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Basic Commands
- <p>
- This command is used in a regular paragraph. Example: <p>The dog was very cute</p>
- <h1>
- Mostly used in a title or heading. Example: <h1>All About Dogs</h1>
- <body>
- You put the bulk of the text inside of here Example: <body><h1>All About Dogs</h1><p>Dogs are very cute</p></body>
- CSS Advanced Commands
- radial-gradient
- Makes A Radial Gradient. Example: radial- gradient(circle, SkyBlue, SkyBlue 50%, LightCyan 50%, SkyBlue);
- background-size
- Sets the background size. Example: background-size: 8px 8px;
- font-family
- Sets the font family. Example: font-family:sans-serif;
- CSS Basic Commands
- color
- Used to set a font color. Example: color: black;
- font-weight
- Used to set the boldness of the font. Example: font-weight: bold;
- background-color
- Used to set the background colour. Example: background-color: thistle;
- Advanced Commands
- <br>
- Used instead of an enter key
- <li>
- Used to make a list. Example: <ul> <li>Dogs</li><li>Cats</li><li>Birds</li> </ul>
- <link>
- Used to link another page of HTML or CSS. Example: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"href="Main-Stylesheet.css"/>