Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Digital video
- Characteristics
- cosntant bitstream
- Graphics effects
- bitstream
- resolution
- proportionality
- Variable bitstream
- The digital video is a informative text
- it contains
- images with movements
- sounds include
- Forrmates most used
- it is considered the best
because it has very good
quality and video
- it was created in
microsoft and is
integrated with
windows slides
- 3GP
- it is more used in cellphones
- Programs used in the
treament process and
- windows
- movie maker
- wax
- virtualduD
- differents of analogous
video and digital video
- analogous video is any
continous signal for
which the time varying
- digital video it is no superficial
resemblace to the imformation it
seeks to conveny