Proper nouns


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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Proper nouns
  1. Are words used to designate specific people, places, organizations, titles, or events.
    1. In English, proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
      1. In Spanish, there are some proper nouns that do not begin with a capital letter (days of the week, nationalities, etc).
        1. See the examples below for more information.
          1. Names of people
            1. John Smith, Alex Jones, Mary Garcia, Mr. Henry Johnson
            2. Months and days of the week
              1. January, September, Monday, Thursday
              2. Holidays
                1. Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving
                2. Names of companies or organizations
                  1. Starbucks, Fiat, United Nations
                  2. Names of countries, cities, towns, etc.
                    1. Argentina, New York, Panama, Veraguas
                    2. Nationalities and languages
                      1. English, Japanese, French, Spanish.
                      2. Geographical and celestial names
                        1. The Pacific Ocean, The North Pole, Saturn.
                        2. Monuments and buildings
                          1. The Empire State Building, The Louvre, The White House.
                          2. Historical events
                            1. World War II, The Industrial Revolution, Black Friday
                            2. Titles of people
                              1. President Obama, Doctor Norris
                              2. Religions, deities and scripture
                                1. Catholicism, Islam, The Torah, God
                                2. Titles of books, movies and works of art.
                                  1. To Kill a Mockingbird, The Godfather, Gone with the Wind
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