Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Freedom and conscience
- Love
- Love is free and should not be taken or required
- Self giving of love is often difficult and may take
overcoming what gets in the way
- True love is a free gift of oneself that leads to self-mastery
- The Moral Act
- We all face moral decisions and are responsible for our own moral acts
- Involve both deliberation and choice
- Has moral content
- Affects the person who acts
- True freedom is not doing what you want but what you ought
- Freedom +
- More knowledge=more responsibility
- No freedom independent of responsibility
- Origin of moral evil is the decision to reject God's moral law
- Conscience is the practical application of the objective
moral law to concrete circumstances
- Conscience can be wrong and we have the duty to form our
- Human freedom is limited by the
circumstances of each person's life
- Grace increases freedom and helps us see the
truth more clearly
- We must continually seek God's grace and respond to the actual grace
working within us
- Conscience
- Formed through frequent and honest
- Can become numb to wrongdoing; not an infallible guide
- A good conscience applies moral truth