Zusammenfassung der Ressource
problematic situation selected carbon dioxide (CO2)
produced by the automotive fleet in poor condition in
the city north of Santander
- Atmospheric pollution is one of the most worrying environmental difficulties of the 21st
century. Its effect has been, and continues to be, the madeaths worldwide.in factors
that contribute to increasing rates of disease
- intrasectoral strategies
- action plan 2020-2023 corporate carried out Colombian low carbon
development strategies (ECBC) mitigation that is below 30 dollars of tons of
(CO2) reduced
- Decree 948 of June 5, 1995 Framework decree by means of which the Standard
for the protection and control of air quality is regulated. Through this "the
general rules and principles for the protection of the atmosphere, the
mechanisms of prevention, control and care of episodes due to air pollution
generated by fixed and mobile sources are established" (Decree 948, 1995,
- Environmental Management Plan (PMA Consecrated in resolution 909 of 2008, it
establishes the actions that are required to prevent, mitigate, control, compensate
and correct the possible negative environmental effects or impacts caused in the
development of a project, work or activity; It also includes follow-up, evaluation,
monitoring, and contingency plans.
- Similarly, for Parra et al. (2017), what programs such as the day
without a car and the peak and plate show is that: when private
vehicles do not circulate in the city, the levels of atmospheric
- cross sectorial strategias
- That the Ministry of the Environment, through Resolutions 005 and 909 of 1996,
regulated the permissible levels of emission of pollutants produced by terrestrial
mobile sources and defined the equipment and procedures for measuring said
emissions and, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 18 and 24 of the first
mentioned resolution, gasoline or diesel vehicles must meet the conditions that
allow the evaluation of gases
- • Studies have shown that public transportation systems can lead to less sedentary lifestyles, increased
physical activity, decreased air pollution, decreased accident rates, decreased rates of respiratory
disease, and increased equity ( WHO, 2012b).
- On the other hand, the environmental and traffic authorities must carry out joint control operations on
the roads for the direct measurement of contaminants and for the verification of the
technical-mechanical review certificate.