Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Climate change
- For 4 billion years.
- Life has prospered
- Ice Age
- Change
- Species beneficied, adapted, faltered or died.
- Steamy Heat
- Change
- Global Climate
- Complex combination of factors.
- We don´t yet fully understand.
- Supercomputer simulation.Projet future conditon
- Cloud and oceans affect.
- Greenhouse Effect
- Without "Atmosphere"
- Global temperature minus 18ºC
- Incoming Sunlight strike earths surface.
- Part back into space
- Rest Trapped in the lower air layer.
- Increased heating
- + water evaporate
- Feedback
- Number of gases
- Human
- Produce others
- Intesify it.
- Increase Co2 concentration
- 2060 twice
- 2100 four times as high.
- CO2: Lifetime 100 tears in atmospher
- Methane
- Principal Ingrdient of natural gas
- Caused 15% warming
- Lifetime in atmosphere, 1 decade
- Other
- Nitrous oxide
- Agriculture and industry
- Banned
- Darming ozono layer
- Release tons of
- Into atmosphere per
- 750 billion already
- 3 million remain tons in the
- Rest taken by plants,
- Remove 2 Billion tons from
atmosphere each year
- High co2 fertilizing effect
- Commercial artificial indoor
atmosphere. With co2
- Airborne suspended
- Aerosol
- May help explain the odd mind-
century cooling
- Models and uncertainly
- Gcms
- Equations repreenting known laws of atmospheric
- Enough information 100
years ago
- Could provide exact description of
- Need powerfull computer
- Divide earthsurface into grid
- Used property useful
- Cant solve problem
- As the world warms
- Warming
- More water vapor
in air
- More rainfall, more intense weather
- Heat waves more
- 1997 was the hottest
- People have contributed
to global warning
- 1860
- 1860 Planet was
still recovering
from little ice age
- Presat warning might be a
continues of that rebound
- Critical issues
- Temperature shifts
- Climate changes
keeps rapid
- Greenhouse warning
will be large ever on
geological scale
- Anticipating the future
- If greenhouse gas emition
- Warm continues for
- “Next 10 years will tell”
- “We’re going to have to wait”