Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Setting
- Time:Modern?
- Place: Justicia, America
- Character
- Andrew bean or the sensationalist
- Amazing friend
- Willing to do
whatever it
takes to get the
job done
- Jenna
- Thoughtful
- Good friend
- Eric
- Agile
- Def
- Main Conflict
- Conflict: The jacks who
are led by the dealer
are broken out of
prison and start taking
all the superheroes
hostage, now it is up to
the sensationalist to
find these superheroes
and the dealer and
bring them home
- Cause--The dealer was
thought to have been killed
years ago in an explosion
following the death of his
daughter. and now he is out to
kill all those that stopped him
the first time
- Theme
- Value of forgiveness
- it is shown in the
fact that andrew
forgives his best
friend even after
she betrayed him