Biomaterials (Introduction)


Kayson YR Chan
Mindmap von Kayson YR Chan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kayson YR Chan
Erstellt von Kayson YR Chan vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Biomaterials (Introduction)
  1. Applications
    1. Biomedical implants used in entire body: -Temporary: Plasters, contact lens, -Degradable: Sutures, -Permanent: Pacemakers, joint replacement
      1. Clinical needs: 1. Heart diseases: Pace maker, 2. Diabetes: Drugs Deliver, 3. Road traffic accidents: Body parts transplant or implant
        1. Tissue Engineering
          1. Development of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue function
            1. Tissue Grafting
              1. Autograft
                1. Tissue transplanted from the same host. Donor = host
                2. Allograft
                  1. Transplant of tissue or organ from the same species with different genotype
                  2. Xenograft
                    1. Graft from a different species. Eg; animal to human
                3. Grades of Medical Implants
                  1. CE Marking
                    1. FDA Grades
                  2. Transplantation
                    1. Advantages
                      1. Long-term solution
                        1. Architecture
                          1. Functional
                          2. Disadvantages
                            1. Expensive
                              1. Limited supply
                                1. Ethics issues
                                  1. Immuno-supressant
                                2. Implantation
                                  1. Advantages
                                    1. Low cost
                                      1. High supply
                                        1. Customizable
                                          1. Reproducible
                                          2. Disadvantages
                                            1. Short-term
                                              1. Adverse effects; rusting
                                          3. What?
                                            1. A biomaterial is a nonviable material used in a medical device, intended to interact with biological system
                                              1. Key: "Biocompatibility" - Ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application.
                                                1. Eg; Resistance to blood clot, bacterial colonization and uncomplicated healing
                                                  1. -Intimate contact with host / living tissue - Does not cause any adverse effects on host tissues or organs
                                              2. History
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