Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Population, Sustainability
& Malthus
- Thomas
- Postulated theory called
"Cycle of Misery"
- Human growth is geometrical,
while food growth is arithmetical
- In the long term, human population
won't increase significantly due to obstacles
- Predators
- Food scarcity
- Disease
- War
- During the Irish Potato Famine,
England was influenced to do nothing
by his theory, because they partly
thought it was simply a natural cyclical process
- Malthus was wrong
- Humans have overcome these population
obstacles for the most part
- Agricultural inventions and breakthroughs took place
- China with it's rice paddies
having two harvests per year
- Private property in Europe led to
lots of experiments with fertilizer,
plants, etc... Breakthrough in food
- Medicine has grown exponentially
- Vaccines
- ex) 1750-1850, the
population increased by 0.5
- ex) 1960, the population reached 3 billion.
Nowadays, we're avea billion new souls
every 15 years.
- But was he really wrong?
- The idea that
resources are finite is
something that we are
- Climate Change
- Oil production has already
peaked and will only head
downwards from now.
- Carrying capacity