Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology - Couples (DDOL)
- Domestic
division of
- The way tasks
and jobs
(labour) are
between men
and women in
the home
- Talcott
- Roles of men and women in the family were separate which was normal and natural.
And that men and women are suited to different domestic roles within the familiy
- Husband -
instrumental role
- Achieving success, providing
financially - Breadwinner
- Wife - expressive role
- Primary socialisation of children,
Family's emotional needs - Homemaker
- believes DDOL is based on biological differences- women naturally
suited to the nurturing role and men to be the bread winner
- Elzabeth Bott
- Distinguishes between
two types of conjugal
(domestic) roles
- Seperated
- clear and distinct separate roles - male
breadwinner, female housemaker within a couple
- Joint conjugal
- The couple share tasks (housework and
childcare) and spent leisure time together
- Bethnal Green
- Young and
- 1950s
- studied traditional
extended families in
bethnal green
- indentified a pattern of separated conjugal roles; male
breadwinners playing little part in homelife, women full time
housewives spending time at home doing housework and childcare
- 1970s
- revisited Bethnal green and
took a 'march of progress' view.
- Saw family life
becoming equal
and democratic
- trend from
roles and
- symmetrical families - husband and wife roles
aren't indentical but now are more similar
- Women now go to work
- Men help more with
house work and childcare
- Couples spend their leisure time together
- common in
younger families,
and socially
isolated and who
had more money
- 72% of males did housework
over washing up
- Evaluating
- the sharing of
childcare and
within a family
has been a
subject of
and criticism
- much research
has been done
to assess
marriage but
there is no
agreed idea on
how it can be
- Oakley
- A feminist view
of Housework
- they argue
little has
and women
still do the
majority of
- Ann Oakley has been one of
the most vocal critics of
young and willmott,
particularly the way they
conducted their research
- she believed that their research was based
upon one simple, badly designed question - ' do
you/ your husband help at least once a week
with any household jobs like washing up,
making beds, ironing, cooking or cleaning?'
- as oakley claimed that by Y and W standards a
symmetrical family could include a man who
simply took the bins out once a week.
- Oakley's research
- She studied 40 married women
who had 1 or more children
under 5, who were british and
aged between 20-30. half were
middle class, half working class
and all in London
- findings - greater equality in allocation of
domestic tasks between couples in the
middle class than in the working class, and
only a few marriages overall were
described as equals. in only 15% of cases
men had high participation in housework
- Improvements of the study
- Ask married men too
- Ask parents with children over 5
- Ask people of different ages
- Ask a
- Recent research in the 90s by
Warde and Hetherington found
that sex-typing of domestic tasks
remains strong.
- wives are 30 times more likely to have
been the last person to do the washing up
whereas husbands are only 4 times more
likely to be the last person to wash the car
- Impact of paid work
- 1970s women
where full time
housewives and
households today
have a 2nd income
from a wifes full or
part time week
- Women taking on
a 'dual burden' of
paid work and
domestic labour
- A more equal
division of
domestic tasks
and joint
conjugal roles
with the
emergence of
a 'new man'