Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Rise of
- Stalin
- favourable circumstances
- Non-disclosure of Lenin's Testament
- as his Testament is filled with criticism, the
Politburo decided not to disclose the contents
- Stalin get to keep his position of Secretary-General
- continues to sought power with manipulations of power
- Trotsky's weaknesses
- seen as a great threat by Politburo as Lenin's successor
- also arrogant
- outspoken: used to argue with Lenin over several
issues. this can be used by people against him as being disrespectful to Lenin
- Lenin is "god-like" to his people
- so this disrespect is intolerant by people
- Trotsky seen as a very unattractive leader
- Lenin's New Economic Policy
- arrogant; thinks he will definitely succeed Lenin. hence become complacent
- did not build up his power base
- Stalin did
- absent from Lenin's funeral
- public thinks he is disrespectful
- own abilities
- manipulation of the poltical power
- formed Troika Alliance with Kamenev & Zinoviev
- aimed at removing Trotsky from power
- discreditng him
- success
- broke Troika alliance
- switching the sides of the radicals & moderates
- convinced politbu that K and Z planning to
overthrow government with Trotsky
- position of Secretary-General
- can elects member to important posts:
- people owe it to him
- these people become
supporters of Stalin &
loyal to him
- builds up support base
- removes Trotsky's allies/supporter
- people
thought he is
useless &
- pretended to be close to Lenin
- after Lenin's death, puts himself as chief mourner
- pretends to be really close to Lenin
- Saw by public as the rightful successor
- eg, doctored pictures to
remove opponents away to
emphasise impression by the
- positive potrayal of himself;
really respectful
- Hitler
- appointed chancellor in 1933
- Favourable Circumstances
- Great Depression, 1929
- USA recalled loans from Germany
- ↓ unemployment
- ↓ atttractiveness of Weimar Gvt,
due to indecisive action of
coalition government
- Hardship caused by GD made Germans
willing to support extreme parties for
effective measures for Germany's problem
- Weakness of Weimar Gvt
- Hyperinflation
- To pay off debts reparations from TOV,
Weimar gvt printed more money
- Decrease in value in currency
- Savings turned worthless overnight
- Proportional Representation
- Coalition government no unanimous agreement
- cannot come a decisive agreement
- TOV, 1919
- Fear of Communism
- Of farmers
- State -owned lands??? NO nO for farmers
- Of businessmen
- business become state owned & be given to other ppl???
NO no
- vague promise that they will help them
- Communist fought police on streets
- Hitler used his personal armed forces to stop them
- saw by public one who can really establish peace & order
- Own ability
- Charisma & Oratocial skill
- Say what the people wanted to hear
- Very appealing & attractive
- people believes in Hitler; thinks he
can help them from their problems
- appear to offer smth for everyone
- Skillful at making deals with Politician
- 1932 Elections
- able to form majority of Coalition gvt
- refuse to join any coalition unless becomes Chancellor
- Hidenburg no choice but to post him as Chancellor as
he has the most support from the people
- 1928 Elections
- Attractiveness of Nazi Ideology
- to abolish TOV
- strong central gvt
- people sees that coalistion gvt dont work
- promise of bread & butter
- Reorganisation of Nazi
- establishing SA
- leaders of SA got rid of anti-Nazis
- establishing SS
- increasing Nazi membership