Zusammenfassung der Ressource
"The Masque of the Red Death" - Rhiannon
- Characters
- Death- The plaque trying to kill the villagers
- Prince Prospero- Person who is very afraid of death, and moved people into his castle
- 1000 people in the castle
- Setting
- Seven distinctly colored rooms
- Prince Prospero's castle
- Around 1665
- Conflict/Solution
- "Solution":he lock themselves up in the castle, as a way to keep the disease out. I wouldn't really say it's a solution, because it gets them anyway. It always does.
- Problem: The disease is trying to kill them all and they need a way to protect themselves
- Main: Plaque/Death vs Villagers
- Purple: Royalty
- Rooms:
- Blue: Birth
- Violet: Knowledge
- Black: Death
- White: Purity
- Green: Growth/Life
- Theme: No one can escape death
- -9/ 55 = 46/55