Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1 month
- intellectual
- recognize
primary carers
- interact with an adult
holding them up face-to-face
- begin to repeat
enjoyable movements
- cry in more
expressive ways
- make non-crying noise
- emotional/social
- smile in response
- turn to regard a
nearby speaker's face
- gaze when fed
- enjoy sucking
- beginning to show a
particular temperament
- physical
- gross motor
- turn from
side to back
- lift head briefly
from prone position
- if held in ventral
suspention, will keep the
head in line with body and
hips semi extended
- head lags if pulled
to a sitting position
- open hand from
time to time
- begin to take
fist to mouth
- jerky and uncontrolled
arm-leg movements
- keep head to one side
when lying back(supine)
- fine motor
- show interest by
facial expresssions
- open hands to
grasp adults finger
- sensory
- turn head toward a diffuse
light source, and stare at
bright, shiny objects
- focus gaze at
20-25 cm
- may move head to source of
sound, cant locate sound yet
- follow movement of bright, dangling toy
moved slowly in line of vision(tracking)
- startled by
sudden noise
- blink defensively at something
coming towards them