Contrast in Photography


Mindmap am Contrast in Photography, erstellt von falcon lover is am 11/10/2015.
falcon lover is
Mindmap von falcon lover is , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
falcon lover is
Erstellt von falcon lover is vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Contrast in Photography
  1. Formal elements
    1. Texture
      1. This is mostly based on one element - light. Pictures become more alive and almost three dimensional
      2. Pattern
        1. Emphasising a pattern can accentuate a sense of size and expansion. The idea is to zoom in onto the pattern and fill the frame with it
          1. Breaking a pattern is about finding an object that disrupts the continuous flow of a pattern
        2. Locations
          1. Within locations, there can be a contrast of urban/rural, natural/man-made and old/new
          2. Subject matter contrast
            1. There are many ways to use contrast to make photo subjects jump out, such as, contrasting colours and bold colours against black and white backgrounds. This makes the subject noticeable.
            2. Different Photographers
              1. Paul Strand
                1. Edward Weston
                2. Traditional and Digital
                  1. Cyanotype and Darkroom Printing
                    1. Digital
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