Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The functionalist approach to the functions of the eduacation system in the society
- serving the needs of the economy
- selection
- facilitating social mobility
- encoueraging britishness and social cohesion
- secondary socialisation
- social control
- formal education
- take splace in educational institutions such as school s and
universities where people elarn knowlegde and skills across a
wide range of subjects.
- informal education
- takes place when people develop knowledge and skills by observing what is happening
around them in everyday life
- the purpose of formal education
- sociologists disagree about what formal education is for. The
functionalists approach focuses on the positive functions that the
education system performs in society.
- Marxist Approach
- this approach sees the education system as bebefitting
privileged groups and reinforcing social inequalities
over time.