Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Amoebic Dysentery
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Poor sanitary conditions
- Leads to ingestion of cysts
(parasites) from:
- Fecally contaminated
- Food
- Hands
- Water
- Tropical areas
- Map of 'at risk' countries
- Chain of infection
- Infection
- 10% - 20% of
people actually
become sick from
- Symptoms will
develop between
2 - 4 weeks after
- Symptoms
- Mild
- Diarrhea
- Stomach pain
- Stomach cramps
- Severe
- When it manifests as Amoebic Dysentery
- Stomach pain
- Bloody stool
- Fever
- Occasionally:
- E. histolytica enters the
liver and creates an
- Rupture of
abscess usually
causes shock
and death
- Even rarer:
- Can spread to the lungs
and brain
- Treatment
- Metronidazole: Anti-Biotic
- Inexpensive
- Highly effective
- Incidence
- Much higher in
- In Western countries Male
Homo-Sexuals, Prisoners
and Immigrants are most
at risk
- Prevelance
- Estimated worldwide
35 - 50 Million
- Estimated
worldwide 100,000
deaths annually