Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Culture and Identity
- Class
- Upper
- Middle
- Working
- Demonized by the rest of society
- Marxist
- Bourgeoisie
- Exploitation of proletariats
- Proletairiat
- Race
- Gender
- Learnt through
socialisation, ultimately
decided by an individual.
- Culture: refers to the
language, beliefs, values
and norms, customs,
roles, knowledge and
skills which combine to
make up the 'way of
life' in any society
- Subculture
- A group of people within
an existing culture that
has different norms, values
and beliefs.
- Punk
- Hip Hop
- Emo
- Mods
- Rockers
- New Romantic
- Glam Rock
- Mass Culture
- Popular Culture
- According to consensus/majority
- Global Culture
- Aspects of society
shared throughout the
- Folk Culture
- Culture that is passed down
- Types of socialisation
- Primary:
occurs in
the home
- Family
- Religion
- Secondary:
occurs outside
of the home,
not all are
- Education
- The Formal Curriculum
- Schools deliver knowledge of culture to children
- Peer Groups
- Early Friendships
- Young children will be very responsive to other
children and begin to form friendships when they are
about three-four
- Media
- Copycat Behaviour
- Bandura: claimed that
children model after the role
models on television
- Tertiary: occurs when an
individual is forced to
- Work
- Canteen Culture
- Workers understand the practiices of the other
employees beliefs and become accustomed to them
- Perspectives
- Marxist
- New Right
- Post- Modernist
- Feminist