Social Learning Theory


Social learning theory explanation of crime, including the possible role of the media in modelling anti-social behaviour
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Social Learning Theory
  1. Describe
    1. SLT can account for the role of the media as it explains anti-social behaviour being observed and copied
      1. cognitive element of choice to copy behaviour
        1. 2008 school killings in Finland were linked to song lyrics of a popular cult band
        2. the media portrays anti-social role models for viewers to identify with
          1. Role models are reinforced/ rewarded for violent behaviour, encouraging modelling
            1. Vicarious reinforcement
            2. few negative consequences of violence are seen as vicariously reinforces aggression and violence
              1. media glamorises violence making it more appealing
                1. Video games actively reward game players for violent acts
                  1. video games are the most likely to create anti-social behaviour and aggression
                    1. killing is rewarded (Positively reinforced)
                      1. bodies disappear without consequences (punishment)
                    2. SLT explains that anti-social behaviour can be acquired through the process of ARRM
                      1. Attention
                        1. Retention
                          1. reproduction
                            1. Motivation
                              1. external
                                1. self-reinforced
                            2. Evaluation
                              1. 70-80% of TV programmes contain aggression (Rideout et al)
                                1. adults watch 38 hours of TV a week
                                  1. Children watch 25 hours a week
                                  2. Bandura (1961)
                                    1. boys are more likely to copy aggression, particularly if observing a male role model
                                    2. Anderson and Dill (2000)
                                      1. participants who play video games are more likely to adminster loud and prolonged blast of noise to opponent
                                      2. Barlett (2007)
                                        1. used mortal combat rating blood scale and affect on participants playing
                                        2. Funk et al (2004)
                                          1. investigated the relationship between childrens exposure to real-life violence and media violence and their empathy and aggression
                                            1. children's exposure to violent computer games and violent films should be limited (no cause and effect)
                                            2. Charlton at el
                                              1. aggression amongst children did not increase with increased media exposure
                                              2. only handful of incidents have ben directly linked to media violence. However, we only have to observe children's play to witness re-inactments of their favourite superhero moves
                                                1. Watching criminal behaviour on TV is more likely to make us fear being a victim
                                                  1. Individuals with a predisposition to anti-social/ criminal behaviour are maybe more likely to seek out similar individuals or media. They are anti-social through association rather than copying.
                                                    1. difficult to establish a link between observational learning and criminal behaviour
                                                    2. anti-social behaviour could be caused by many factors not studied
                                                      1. does not explain the high recidivism rates in most countries that use jail and the death penalty as a deterrent
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