Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Physics 2
- Acceleration is how quickly velocity is changing
- acceleration=change in velocity/ time taken
- weight and mass not the same thing
- weight = mass x gravitational field strenght
- Mass is in kg and weight is in newtons
- mass is the measure
of how much matter
an object has- weight
is the measure of how
strongly gravity pulls
on that matter
- forces
- when a force moves
an object through a
distance energy is
tranferred and work
is done
- Work Done = Force x Distance
- Gravitational potential energy= mass x g x height
- Power = work done (or energy transferred)/ Time taken
- Momentum (kg m/s) = Mass(kg) x Velocity (m/s)
- Resultant force
- a stationary objects
resultant force is zero
- If the resultant force on a
moving object is zero the
object will continue to move
in the same direction at the
same speed
- F= ma
- m=mass (kg)
a= acceleration
force in
- When two object interact
the forces they exert on
each other are equal and
- Resistance
- resistance- from fluid (air or liquid)
- reduce resistance by making object streamline
- increases as speed increases
- Friction
- friction - opposite direction to movement
- Cars
- things that affect stopping
distance: speed of vehicle,
thinking distance, weather
- new car design
- brakes - rather then converting
the kinetic energy of the vechicl
to heat enegry, brakes put
vechiles motor into reverse-
motor goes backwards wheels
slow down - electric generator
then stores this energy
- Cars designed to
convert kinetic
energy safely in a
- by increasing time
over which
momentum changes
happen to lesson
forces on passenger
- Crumple zones
- Air bags
- side impact bars
- two different
parts of overall
distance of a
car- thinking
distance and
- Terminal velocity
- Atomic structure
- Plum pudding
- Isotopes- same
number of
protons but
different number
of neutrons
- most isotopes are
radioactive, which
means they decay
into other elements
and give out
- Types of radiation
- alpha
- slow moving , big ,ionising
- helium- 2 neutrons, two protons
- beta
- quite fast, moderately ionising, simply an electron- charge of -1
- gamma
- penetrate far into materials, no mass or charge , weakly ionising
- Electricity
- Static electricity
- caused by friction
- insultating materials
- result of a imbalance between
positve and negative charges in
an object. Build up on surface
of a object and find a way to be
- rubbing certain materials against one
another can transfer negative
charges, or electons
- only electons move- negative charges!
- opposites repel
- Charges attract
- current- flow of electricity
- Resistnace- anything in circuit
which slows the flow down
- resistance increases with temperature
- due to some electical energy transferred to heat energy
- ammeter measures current
- voltmeter measure potential differnce
- types of circuits
- series-
- All of nothing
- parellel
- independance and isolation
- Difference in speed
and velocity - velocity
involves speed and