Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Anomalistic Psychology
- Anomalous Experience
- Anomalous: means something that is irregular and
doesn't fit into existing explanations
- a way to refer to paranormal or psi phenomenon
- Pseudoscience and Parapsyhology
- used to describe a 'false' science
- masquerading as science
- Lack falsifiability
- scientific method of testing hypotheses:
not possible to prove it correct but you
can prove it wong
- many hypotheses related to
anomalous experience have a end
result of a non-falsifiable
hypotheses as they are 'jealous
- Lack carefully controlled, replicable research
- many examples of failure
to replicate studies in
- the fact that sceptics invariably
fail to get the same results as
believers challenges the objective
nature of the research
- Lack of ability to change
- continued to be explained in the same way for
centuries despite a lack of evidence
- Burden of proof misplaced on sceptic
- If there are two competing explanations, simpler ne
is to be preferred(Occam's razor) - paranormal
explanations are extremely convoluted
- Methodological Issues
- ESP (Ganzfeld)
- Researcher bias - sheep-goat effect
- File drawer effect
- Lack of control - sensory leakage
- Expectations affect
outcome of meta-analysis
- Psychokinesis (PK)
- Expectations created in study
led to macro-pk reports
- Lack of control - well controlled
studies show no effect
- Ecological validity - micro-pk
may not represent paranormal
- Explanations
- Coincidence and Probabilty
- Coincidence
- Illusion of causality
- if two things happen at
the same time, sheep are
more likely to believe
that one has caused the
- Illusion of connection
- making links between unrelated items
- Illusion of control
- explanations for coincidence
give sense of order in world
- General cognitive ability
- lower intelligence more likely to be believers
- Probability
- paranormal experiences are a cognitive
illusion due to attributing cause to
random events
- tested using repetition
avoidance(estimate dice
throw), questions about
probability(birthday party
paradox), conjunction
- Superstitious behaviors and Magical thinking
- Superstitious Behaviour
- making erroneous causal links (Type 1 error)
- Type 1 error: erroneously assume causality
between two unrelated events that co-occur
- Skinner: superstitions
develop when an accidental
stimulus-response link is
learned and then
maintained through
negative reinforcement
- superstitious develop to
give an illusion of
- Magical Thinking
- Freud: a form of
childlike thinking, a
defense mechanism in
- Dual processing theory:
thought is intuitive or
- Animism: association of objects
with feelings, e.g. the bed will hurt if
we jump on them, feng shui
- Nominal thinking: names
of objects affect our
feelings about them
- Law of contagion: magical
thinking is adaptive to avoid
- Personality factors
- Eysenck's personality factors
- Neuroticism - negative emotional states
reduced by paranormal beliefs ( defense
- Extraversion - people are more
open to paranormal beliefs
- Psychoticism - associated not
only with the liability to have a
psychotic episode, but also with
- Williams et al - positive correlation
between neuroticism and paranormal
- Honor ton et al - positive
correlation between extraversion
and paranormal beliefs
- More imaginative personality
- Fantasy proneness - becoming
so deeply absorbed in fantasy
to believe it real
- Suggestibility - more willing
to believe fakes
- Creative personalities make
links between unrelated items
- Other factors
- Locus of control, field
dependence, higher sense
of seeking
- Exceptional Experience
- Psychic healing and mediumship
- Psychic healing
- energy fields re-aligned by therapeutic touch
- reduction of anxiety through psychological support
- Placebo effect - expectations of benefit
created by success stories which could be
due to spontaneous recovery
- Wirth - tested patients treated with
TT or no touch, former recovered
- Rosa - TT practitioners unable
to detect 'energy field' of
experimenter's hand
- Cha - effect of prayer on
infertile women, twice as
many became pregnant
- Psychic mediumship
- Clues help medium
produce accurate
information without
psychic ability
- Use of general statements ( Barnum
statements) and willingness of sitters to
- Fraud - psychic mediumship is big
business so people rest to complex
and convincing strategies
- Schwartz - accuracy of medium
statements about 80%
- Rock and Beischel - mediums
responding differently to dead and
living love ones
- Out-of-body and Near-death experiences
- Out-of-body (OOBE)
- Paranormal - mind and
body separated
- Sensory input is
disturbed, reconstruction
based on bird's eye view
- Blake - stimulation of
temporal-parental junction of the
brain resulted in OOBEs
- Alvarado - induced OOBEs -
weak but occasionally
startling results
- Green - 400 personal accounts of
OOBEs, 20% 'parasomatic', rest
- Near-Death-Experience (NDE)
- evidence of an afterlife or
'soul' due to paranormal
- Endorphins released at time of stress, lead to
feelings of euphoria and detachment
- REM intrusions due to hypoxia
disrupt integration of sensory
- Hypoxia triggers a flood of glutamate
which is blocked by the brain to prevent
neuronal death, leading to an NDE
- Ring - survivors describe NDE as
peaceful and like a life review
- Nelson - NDE group more
likely to experience REM
- Jansen - ketamine can
produce symptoms of NDEs,
ad ketamine has same effect a
s glutamate