WBC Disorders_3


Abnormalities of WBCs: Quantitative, Qualitative and Lipid Storage Diseases
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Ms. S
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Kopiert von robersonk1106 vor fast 11 Jahre
Kopiert von robersonk1106 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

WBC Disorders_3
  1. Quantitative Changes
    1. Neutrophilia
      1. Infections
        1. Inflammatory response
          1. Stress Response
            1. Malignancies
              1. Surgery
                1. Physical Conditions: heat, cold, shock
                  1. Drugs
                    1. Phagocytosis - Xstal
                    2. Eosinophilia
                      1. Basophilia
                        1. Monocytosis
                          1. Neutropenia
                            1. Eosinopenia
                              1. Basopenia
                                1. Monocytopenia
                                  1. Lymphocytosis
                                    1. Lymphocytopenia
                                    2. Qualitative Defects - Martha
                                      1. Toxic Granulation
                                        1. Toxic Vacuolization
                                          1. Dohle Bodies
                                          2. Human Ehrlichiosis - Juanita
                                            1. Hereditary WBC Disorders - Kevin
                                              1. May-Hegglin Anomaly
                                                1. Alder-Reilly Anomaly
                                                  1. Pelger-Huet Anomaly
                                                    1. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
                                                    2. Reactive Lymphocytosis - A. Lee
                                                      1. Other Sources of Reactive Lymphocytosis - Karmin
                                                      2. Lipid Storage Diseases
                                                        1. Niemann-Pick Disease - Janie
                                                          1. Gaucher's Disease - Sylvia
                                                            1. Tay-Sachs Disease - Kirstie
                                                              1. desroys neurons in brain & Spinal Cord
                                                                  1. Enter text here
                                                              2. Bacteria and Other Unexpected WBC Changes - Donna
                                                                1. Fashikie
                                                                  1. Smith
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