Functions of Fats


Mindmap am Functions of Fats, erstellt von eleanor.m.morrel am 16/10/2015.
Mindmap von eleanor.m.morrel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von eleanor.m.morrel vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Functions of Fats
  1. Energy Storage
    1. It creates and releases 2x as much energy per gram as carbohydrates
      1. It's easy to build up (condensation reaction)
        1. It's insoluable
        2. Cushions internal organs
          1. Protects them against bumps.
          2. Provides thermal insualtion
            1. E.g. Goosebumps are fats in skin deposits.
            2. Electrical insulation
              1. Fats in the form of Myelin wrap nerve cells
              2. In seeds
                1. Are low density to make seeds light enough to be dispersed far.
                2. Waterproof
                  1. Make up the waxy cuticle of leaves
                  2. Allow animals to be buoyant
                    1. For example ducks.
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