Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Concept
- how you see yourself
- how others see you
- what has formed your identity
- primary socialisation
- what defines your personality
- gender
- age
- peer group
- What we choose to consume
- Aspects
- ethnicity
- ethnic minorities see
their ethnicity as a more
significant aspect of
their identity
- social class can be seen as
more significant to
those of an ethnic
- sexuality
- homosexuals seeing their
sexuality as a more significant
aspect of their identity
- Sexuality and Identity
- Quinn (2001)
- studied same sex marriage of tribes. Native American
tribes celebrated same sex marriage- although they till
have a male and female role between them
- Also found that some sub-Saharan African people have
man-boy marriages. The boys are called boy-wives and have
the same responsibilites as female wives. once th boy
becomes a man, he becomes a warrior and chooses his own
- The Kinsey Reports (1948, 1953)
- found that homosexual encounters was much
more common that expected.
- when it was still considered a mental illness; 37%
of men had had a homosexual experience
- 4% were exclusively homosexual
- Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness/ illegal
- certain rights have changed this and now it is more
acceptable to be in a homosexual relationship/ civil
- Studied show that a homosexual behaviour does not
lead to a homosexual identity
- Sexual identification is a strange and complex thing. some
people can be openly gay, but not sexually. and vice versa-
engage in same sex activites but not identify as gay.
- Weeks (1991)
- as homosexuality is not accepted by many,
it is often the case that people are not
sexually attracted to the same sex but
identity with them more and therefore
connect more as they're in the same
- Plummer (1996)
- age
- seems to be significant
with women as looking
attractive is seen as a
feminine trait
- Hybrid identities
- a mixture of two or more influences
- ethnicity
- Blasian; Black and Asian
- Brasian; British and Asian
- nationality
- eg; British Muslim.
combining the cultures to
form a hybrid identity
- White people being
influenced by black hip-hop
- Resistance
- seeking help within the ethnicity group
- racism in
cultures makes
them turn
- Changing ethnic
- second generation ethnic minorites
from African-caribbean backgrounds
tend to feel more british than their
- They still saw their ethnic
origin as a key part of their
ethnic identity
- Modood
- post modernists argue; with
gloablisation, identity is a
- some would argue
ethnicity is becoming less
significant with the ability
to pick and mix identities
- National Identity (NI)
- "NI is
socially constructed
through symbols"
- Anderson (1983)
- changing national
- Britain is stuck
between becoming
more American or
more European in the
global world
- its a struggle to find relevant
British traditions so its harder
to distinguish a British
- british identity varies with the
increase of globalisation
- Gender and Identity
- it is fluid and changing
- womens and mens roles
have changed over the
past century
- defining masculine and feminine
traits are now difficult as they're
no longer clear
- Gender as Social Construct
- nature/nurture
- The Biological view
- Men are supposed to be promiscuous to reproduce. "spread the seed"
Women need to nurture the children and stay faithful to the father
- Wilson (1975)
- The Functionalist view
- Females have the expressive role; based of their childbearing role.
Men have the instrumental role; the bread winner, to provide for the
- both roles reinforced by sociolisation
- Parsons (1955)
- social construction of gender identities
- Feminism; argue SCGI is constructed by
- at school boys are taught how to be men
- Mac an Ghaill (1994)
- peer groups shape how boys and girls
are going to act from an early age
- in study of friendhsip, among teenage girls it
was found how power can affect a girl's
behaviour. and how it can root from patriachy/
- Hey (1997)
- Femininity
- Anne Oakley
- Children are socialised into their genders.
- Manipulation
- encouraging sterotypical behaviour to
teach children the norms of their gender
- Canalisation
- channelling the childrens toys, games
and activites to match their genders
- Verbal Appellation
- giving children nicknames that rienforce gender
roles. eg; little princess/ my brave soldier
- Different activities
- engouraging children to participate in
gender stereotypical games or activies
- social class
- "a group who share the same economic
and social situation"
- does class still affect identity
- we are now defined by wht we buy, not what we do. we are
consumers in a globalised society. we are more individual,
we have our own norms and values,
- Pakulski and Waters (1996)
- Stages in the Life Course
- Age
- can vary for some people
- they can be seen as socially constructed
- identity is affected by changing ages
- Changing Age Identities
- post modernists argue there are many
aspects of being able to change age identity
- living longer
- working longer-
- anti-ageing products
- changing aspects are showing that age is
fluid and becoming less significant
- media images of ageing can have negative stereotypes but as
the population age, they become more positive.
- Featherstone and Hepworth
- Childhood
- children were working in factories until the nineteenth century
- children were seen as an economic asset
- the infant mortality rate was very high during the pre- industrial
and the industrial society, therefore the children needed to work
to earn for the family, they wasnt seen as innocent precious beings
as there was a high chance they wouldnt be around for that long
- children weren't always seen as innocent
- children were just seen as young adults
- childhood emerged when
adults thought it was better
to shield children from
negative aspects of life
- Postman (1982)
- Youth
- socially constructed bridge between
childhood and adulthood
- some cultures have no youth.
- Hamar Tribe; childhood ends
one day, they have a ceremony,
and adulthood begins.
- 'strom and stress' which is
associated with youth culture is
not specific in other cultures
(questioned methodology)
- Margaret Mead (1928)
- youth adulthood and middle age
- young adulthood norms
- families
- careers
- independance
- owning propety
- middle age
- gain of power, higher
status than young or old
- Bradley (1996)
- loss of youth, closer to old age-
sometimes leads to mid-life crisis
- Old Age
- questionable to when it starts- 65?(retirement) or later?
- media often portrays old people negatively
which makes them feel like that themselves
- Corners (1999)
- they feel like the burden generation
- Disability and Identity
- negative stigma
- it becomes the master status- people only see
the disability and not other characteristics
(boy/girl. young/old)
- people with the disability also learn to
see themselves as their impairment
- the way disabled people begin to label
themselves also turns into negative
language 'dis-abled' 'dis-formed'.
- this can lead to 'formed helplessness'- a
way disabled people internalise the idea
they are less capable of changing a
- Zola (1982)
- also argued that disabled people have the
ability to construct a self identity that
accepts their impairment
- so they themselves as a person first, then
their impairment as characteristics
- Murugami (2009)