adjectives to describe character


Mindmap am adjectives to describe character, erstellt von nicolas.gisin am 22/11/2013.
Mindmap von nicolas.gisin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von nicolas.gisin vor mehr als 11 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

adjectives to describe character
  1. describing character in work situations
    1. hard-working
      1. clever
        1. flexible
          1. reliable
            1. common sense
              1. negative
                1. lazy
                  1. stupid
                2. positive
                  1. friendly
                    1. nice, pleasant
                      1. kind
                        1. honest
                        2. negative
                          1. bossy
                            1. unfriendly
                              1. unkind
                                1. pessimistic
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