Las Vegas Valley is Underlain by a Groundwater Resource


Mindmap am Las Vegas Valley is Underlain by a Groundwater Resource, erstellt von lizzie.fuchs am 22/11/2013.
Mindmap von lizzie.fuchs, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lizzie.fuchs vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Las Vegas Valley is Underlain by a Groundwater Resource
  1. What are the types of sediment that fill the valley?
    1. Gravel, Sand, Silt, and Clay
    2. Coarse-graind gravel and sand tend to form alluvial fans and terraces.
      1. Aquifiers
        1. The aquifers are located to the west.
          1. Each type of sediment is found in extensive clay, gravel, and sand.
            1. Aquifiers are below 300 feet.
        2. Groundwater originates as rain or snow.
          1. The movement of the water basin is near the margins of the valley and moves freely.
            1. The Artesian wells force water slowly upward.
              1. The effects are more water going out than in.
                1. Small fraction of water in Las Vegas is consumed but the domestic agriculture takes up more.
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