
Commercial Law - Free Consent
Mindmap von nirhoshaa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von nirhoshaa vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Someone should not be influenced by factors that affect their freedom to consent to contract
    1. COERCION (S15)
      1. ~ Commit, threaten to commit any act forbidden by the Penal Code.
        1. ~ Unlawfully detaining or threaten to detain any property.
          1. Effect of coercion: According to S.19 contract voidable
        2. e.g: Chin Nam Bee Development Sdn Bhd v Tai Kim Choo & 4 Ors
        3. UNDUE INFLUENCE (S.16)
          1. ~ Undue influence & proof of dominant position
            1. * Dominant position
              1. * Unfair advantage
                1. * Influence decision
            2. ~ Undue influence & presume dominant position
              1. * Real / apparent authority
                1. * Fiduciary relationship
                  1. * Mental / bodily distress
              2. e.g: Salwath Haneem v Hadjee Abdullah
            3. FRAUD (S.17)
              1. ~ Not true and not believe to be true
                1. ~ Active concealment
                  1. ~ Promise without intention to keep
                    1. ~ Any act to deceive
                      1. ~ Law said it is fraudulent
                2. e.g : Weber v Vrown
                3. MISREPRESENTATION
                  1. ~ Positive assertion of fact
                    1. ~ Breach of duty
                      1. ~ Causing a person to make mistake
                    2. (S.18)
                      1. (S.19)
                        1. ~ Silence is not misrepresentation
                        2. e.g: Goh Chooi Leong v Public Life Assurance Co Ltd
                        3. MISTAKE (S.21)
                          1. ~ Mistake of fact
                            1. ~ Mistake of law
                              1. ~ Unilateral mistake
                                1. e.g: Golf Cheque Book Sdn Bhd & Anor v Nilai Springs Bhd
                              2. e.g: Raffles v Wichelhaus - Contract void
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