Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Hybridization
- Hybridization in cultural form is when
two cultures come together to form a
new, unique mix of the previous two. They
often have a combination of the previous
traditions and religion, or they make a
new society based on the knowledge from
their ancestral peoples.
- Connection to identity Because the
hybrid children have a new identity that is
not the same as their parents, part of
their identity is both of the cultures.
Unlike the parents who most likely have
just one set of traditions, that was
passed down from their parents.Thats
where globalization comes into effect,
because without globalization this child
would not exist. Without the parent who
traveled there, and met their spouse. The
child would not be there, and that new
cultural community would not exist.
- Real Life Situation; The francophone are
good example of a real life hybridization
example. Since they are a cultural blend of
both the voyageurs and the native cree
women. The children of the two cultures
took traits and traditions from both
parents and created something unique and
- Acculturation
- When a culture borrows or adapts
traits from another culture or culture
merging after a long amount of
- Real Life Situation An example is
when the Japanese took on the
clothing style from western
- Connection to Identity/Globalization The only way that
this would be able to happen was if globalization existed.
There would be no way to borrow a trait from another
culture if there are no others around to borrow from.
When a culture takes on another trait it effects the
civilizations whole identity, and changes it. So all the
people that had the customs and traditions, identities
would be changed.
- Homogenization
- According to Merriam Webster dictionary the
definition of Homogenization is ``to blend
(diverse elements) into a uniform mixture’’
- Real Life Example When the europeans came to Canada they forced
the first nations to take on their culture. Making them adopt their
traditions and customs, and told them to forget their own. They
wanted to homogenize both their cultures.
- Connection to Identity/Globalization When this happens to
a culture it changes their identity. Because now that this
has happened, their children will be taught to forget the
old culture.They will only know that of the new traditions.
Their identity will mostly be the new changes and not the
older society of their people. This would be one of the
downfalls of globalization, because it would cause there
to be less diversity in the world. It would be the cause
of a lost culture.