Zusammenfassung der Ressource
EarthQuakes Ch.5
- Section 1: Forces in Earth's crust
- The movement of Earth's plates creates great forces that squeeze or pull the rock in Earth's crust. That great force is called stress
- 2: Types Of Stress
- There are three types of stress that occurs in the earth. They will be listed in The spaces down below.
- Tension
- Tension is another type of stress that pulls the crust so that the rock beneath gets thinner and thinner.
- Compression
- Compression is the type of stress that pushes rock to a point where it either fold or breaks.
- Shearing
- Shearing is the last type of stress that push masses of rock and land in two separate directions causing Earth's interior to change.
- 1: Kinds of Faults
- In this section I will tell you about three types of faults that are all totally different.
- Strike-Slip Faults
- A strike-slip fault is a fault that has rock on either side slip past each other.
- Reverse Faults
- In a reverse fault what happens is the exact apposite of the normal fault, the hanging wall slides up relative to the footwall.
- Normal Faults
- In a normal fault there are to walls named the hanging wall and the footwall, so in the normal fault the hanging wall slips down relative to the footwall.
- 3: Changing Earth's Surface
- Folding Earth's Crust
- Sometimes Earth's crust reaches a point that it will eventually fold and bend, which makes the earth's crust and the rock below it rise up and make mountains.
- Uplifting Earth's Crust
- The forces that rise mountains can also rise, or uplift plateaus. A plateau is a large flat area that is elevated high above the sea level. this is uplifting Earth's crust.
- Stretching Earth's Crust
- A fault-block mountain forms when two normal faults cut through blocks of rock ,this is what stretching Earth's crust is.
- Section 2: Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
- 1: Types of seismic waves
- S waves
- P waves
- Surface waves
- 2: Measuring Earthquakes
- The Mercalli scale
- The Richter scale
- Comparing Earth quakes
- The Moment-magnitude scale
- 3: Locating the Epicenter
- Section 3: Monitoring Earthquakes
- 1: The seismograph
- reading a seismogram
- Measuring seismic waves
- 2: instruments that monitor faults
- tiltmeters
- creep meters
- laser-ranging devices
- GPS satellites
- 3: using seismograph data
- mapping faults
- monitoring changes along faults
- trying to predict earthquakes
- Section 4: Earthquake Safety
- 4: designing safer buildings
- 1: earthquake risk
- mapping earthquake intensity
- historic earthquakes
- plate boundaries and faults
- 2: how earthquakes cause damage
- 3: steps to earthquake safety
- shaking
- liquefaction
- aftershocks
- tsunamis