Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Plural Formation(General Rules for Nouns)
- Sound
- /iz/ if the singular ends in
- /z/ if the singular ends in a vowel
or in a voiced consonant different
from a sibilant.
- /s/ if the singular ends in a
voiceless consonant other than a
- Spelling
- -s
- -es if the singular ends in a sibilant
that is not already followed by -e.
- - ies if the singular ends in -y.
- -ys if the singular ends in -ay, -ey,
-oy or if the item is a proper noun.
- -s if the singular ends in -o, but with same
nouns the plural is -es (echoes, heroes,
potatoes). In a few cases, there is
variation (buffalo(e)s, cargo(e)s,
volcano(e) s.