Hydatidiform Mole


NCM mindmaps Mindmap am Hydatidiform Mole, erstellt von Javen Jara am 24/11/2013.
Javen Jara
Mindmap von Javen Jara, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Javen Jara
Erstellt von Javen Jara vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Hydatidiform Mole
  1. A molar pregnancy happens when tissue that normally becomes a fetus instead becomes an abnormal growth in your uterus. Even though it isn't an embryo, this growth triggers symptoms of pregnancy.
    1. Complete molar pregnancy
      1. Partial molar pregnancy
        1. Factors that contribute to Molar Pregnancy
          1. Age
            1. history of molar pregnancy
              1. history of miscarriage
                1. diet low in carotene
                2. Symptoms
                  1. Uncomfortable feeling in pelvis
                    1. Hyperthyroidism
                      1. Vaginal Bleeding
                        1. Hyperemesis
                          1. Vaginal discharge
                            1. Uterus larger than usual
                            2. Diagnostics
                              1. Blood tests
                                1. Ultrasound
                                  1. Pelvic exam
                                  2. Treatment
                                    1. Dilation & Curretage
                                      1. Hysterectomy
                                        1. If CA manifests
                                          1. Chemotheraphy
                                        2. Management
                                          1. Regular blood tests
                                            1. Birth Control
                                              1. Support
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