Zusammenfassung der Ressource
3.7 Strange Situation
- Ainsworth (1969)
- Performed a controlled observation designed to
measure the security of attachment. 5 behaviours
were judged: proximity seeking, exploration,
stranger and separation anxiety, and reunion.
- 7 stages:
- 1. Baby encouraged to explore.
- 2. Stranger comes in and approaches the baby.
- 3. Baby and stranger left alone.
- 4. Caregiver returns
- 5. Baby is left alone
- 6. Stranger returns
- 7. Reunion with caregiver
- Findings: 3 Attachment types
- A: Insecure Avoidant -
Little to no reaction when
caregiver leaves. Makes
little effort and may avoid
contact upon reunion.
- 15%
- B: Secure Attachment - Moderate
separation distress and stranger
anxiety. Requires and accepts
comfort during reunion.
- 70%
- C: Insecure Resistant - Seeks greater levels
of proximity, high levels of separation and
stranger distress. Resists comfort when
reunited with caregiver.
- 15%
- Evaluation
- Strengths:
- Interreliability between observers.
- Predicts aspects of later development.
Showed that securely attached babies
had better later attachments. Suggests
that strange situation measures
something real.
- Weaknesses:
- May not be valid in other countries.
- Lacks population validity. Original study
used American infants which cant be
generalised to other countries.