Zusammenfassung der Ressource
3.11 Later Relationships
- Continuity Hypothesis
- The idea that there is consistency between early
emotional experiences and later relationships.
Based upon the internal working model.
- Childhood Relationships
- According to attachment theory, a child who
has a secure attachment style should be
more confident in interactions with friends.
- Securely attached children unlikely to be
involved in bullying. Insecure avoidant most
likely to be victims and insecure resistant
were bullies.
- Adult Relationships
- Parenting Style
- Intergenerational continuity between adults attachments and their
children. People tend to base their parenting style on the internal working
model so attachments tend to be passed on through generations.
- Harlow's monkeys showed a link
between poor attachment and later
difficulties with parenting.
- Romantic Relationships
- The IWM influences a persons
expectation of later
relationships, thus affecting
their attitudes towards them.
- Hazan and Shaver (1987) The Love Quiz - analysed 620
replies to a love quiz in a newspaper, assessing current
relationships and attachment types.
- Secure - tended to have long lasting
relationships. Insecure - more difficult, tended
to divorce and believed love was rare. Avoidant - jealousy and fear of intimacy.
- Evaluation
- Strengths:
- Supporting evidence. Early
attachment constantly predicts
later attachment, wellbeing and
attachment to own children.
- Weaknesses:
- Confounding variables. E.g parenting
style might affect attachment quality
and later development.
- Early attachments were assessed
retrospectively. Asking questions relies on
honesty and accurate perception.