Concept map Chapter 2 Fernando Herrera


Concept Map
Fernando Herrera
Mindmap von Fernando Herrera, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fernando Herrera
Erstellt von Fernando Herrera vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Concept map Chapter 2 Fernando Herrera
  1. Major Points of Morality.
    1. Consequentialst
      1. Morality is based on or concern with consequences
      2. Nonconsequentialist
        1. Morality is not based on or concerned with consequences
      3. Psychological Egoism
        1. Not an ethical theory but a descriptive or scientist theory having to do with egoism
          1. Strong form
            1. People act in own self-interest
            2. Weak form
              1. People not always act in their own self-interest
          2. Ethical Egoism
            1. Prescriptive theorie
              1. Individual Form
                1. Self-Interest
                2. Personal
                  1. Self-interest, no claims about anyone else ought to do.
                  2. Universal
                    1. Everyone acts in their own self-interest.
                3. Fernando Herrera
                  1. Utilitarianism
                    1. Everyone should perform that act which will bring about the greatest good over bad
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