Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Grammatical categories of English
- Pronouns
- Personal: I, you, he, we, you, they: me, you, se, nos, os, lo, mi, ti, si, le, lo, la…
- Demonstratives: this, that, that, these, those, those...
- Relative: that, who, whose, which, how many...
- Possessives: mine, yours, his, ours, yours, his...
- Numerals: one, two, three, first, second...
- Interrogatives: what, who, how much, when, which, where, how...
- Indefinite: nothing, everything, something, nobody, someone, some, quite a few, several, any, anyone,
- Prepositions
- Of location: AT IN
- Of time: “AT” “IN” “ON”
- connectors are “and”, “but”, “or”, “because” and “so”
- Comparisions
- The comparative: Using – er +than and more + than
- The superlative: Using the + –est and the + most
- The article a/an mean the same thing it is equal to one, it is singular (one) and it is always singular. Y
plural (more than one):
- Adjectives
- Using frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes,
seldom, rarely, and never
- Determiners
- demonstratives: (this, that, that)
- possessives (my, your, his, our, yours, his)
- indefinite (some, none, other, several, true, enough, too much, any, all, each, etc.)
- numerals (two, second, etc.)
- interrogatives (what, how many, etc.)
- exclamatives (what, how many, etc.