Q2BP Mind Map Faith Henderson


This is Faith Henderson's Q2BP mind map.
Mindmap von faith.henderson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von faith.henderson vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Q2BP Mind Map Faith Henderson
  1. Characters
    1. Jack
      1. brave
        1. strong
        2. Big Jack
          1. buff
            1. thoughtful
            2. Jack's mom
              1. not kind
                1. crazy
              2. Main Conflict
                1. Jack thinks his mom is gonna come back so he keeps it to himself.
                  1. Jack is all alone and his mom has left him but he dose not want to tell anyone.
                  2. Setting
                    1. Present day
                      1. Maine
                      2. Theme
                        1. Always tell someone when in danger.
                          1. Jack was all alone and woudn't tell anyone his om was missing. He went through a lot just to find out his mom dose not want him anymore.
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