Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Identity is who you are. It is a combination of things you are born with and social constructs. Identity can
be narrowed to seven key parts: Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality, National Identity and hybrid
identity. All of this contributes to your identity. It's how other people view you.
- Age is how many years a person has been alive. Throughout different ages,
people either physically or mentally change and certain status is linked to
different ages.
- Class is a way to categorise people who share a similar economic and social situation. It can
lead to development of different norms and values, and is related to cultural characteristics.
- Marxism HATES class with a passion. They believe it's the cause of everything wrong
in society. The upper class, or bourgeoisie, is the controlling force of society and
everything works for them. They create a false idea that their culture is superior,
and make middle and lower class feel ashamed of who they are. The lower class is
the most looked down upon in society - which in turn creates many problems.
- Functionalists believe class difference is good because it
creates competition in society. They do not care about the
individual and thus do not care about bad things occurring
to individuals due to class.
- Culture is a way of life. It's looked at by structuralists.